About Us

Find out what is BengaliMarriag.com, why it was started and the kind of services it provides.

An online matrimonial website dedicated to single Bengali people around the world to find their spouse, our online tool will give you the option to tick your preferences and short list your ideal match.

In the last few decades Bengali people have emigrated to countries all over the world, the reason for such move was to have a better life, by emigrating to other countries Bengali people have settled comfortably in their new country of residence and therefore lost contact with most of their families and friends from the country they originate from, due to that reason Bengali people are finding it difficult to find their spouse because the options are limited. BengaliMarriage.com has taken all these points into consideration and came up with the idea of starting an online Matrimony website just to give the Bengali community a platform where they can easily search for someone to marry through our intuitive designed website.

In this day and age people also travel the world for work, by doing so they end up moving to the country they work in, this is what also makes it difficult for Bengalis to find their spouse and this is where BengaliMarriage.com steps in again!

We are here to make finding your life partner experience easy by enabling you to select your preferences from the tool provided on our website. Register for free now and start the beautiful journey of getting married.

Once registered we hope you enjoy the journey of finding your partner for life which hopefully will grow to be the love of your life.

"This is a Bengali Matrimony site and not a dating site" only register if you are genuinely looking to get married.


Bengali Marriage Team